Friday, June 12, 2009


Have you ever had one of those moments?  It’s a moment that you can’t explain, but everything just feels right.  You feel blessed.  You feel full and completely satisfied. Content doesn’t describe it…maybe it’s the feeling of being happy and feeling like

 you are doing the right thing at the right moment.

I recently experienced that feeling.  It happened while I was running on a cool, summer evening.  I’m not sure what brought on the experience, but I remember feeling, for lack of a better word, full.  People that saw me running must have thought I was crazy because I had the biggest smile on my face.  I bet I was quite a sight to see.

Even though I am not sure what triggered that emotion, I know why I felt that way.  At that moment, I felt completely satisfied and happy.  I’ve felt that way for most of my time in Kansas.  My time home was fast and furious.  It was full of laughing, crying, and spending time with the people I care most about, and I had a chance to reflect the blessings I have been granted.  I am a lucky, lucky man.

Some thoughts from my time at home…

1.     I had an awesome teaching career in Kansas.  I can see that through the successes of my students.  My students continue to amaze me, and because of them, I am a better person.  I am not sure why, but God blessed me with the ability to teach.  I can see that very clearly, and I know that I will continue to use that ability for the rest of my life.

2.     I have amazing colleagues in Kansas.  The teachers that I worked with are an inspiration to me.  Their dedication to their students and to agriculture education is inspiring.  I’ve also been blessed with some amazing friendship with my colleagues.

3.     I met a great group of friends while I taught in Ark City.  I can’t even begin to describe how happy I was to be around the people that “get” me.  I miss them dearly, and I am already looking forward to the next time we can all get together.

4.     My family is amazing, supportive, and hilarious.  There is never a dull moment around the house or over at Epler Farms.  I can’t get enough time with them.  I’m convinced that my brother and sister are two of the strongest, most driven, and passionate people I have ever met. 

5.     I know where I want to be.  People always ask me where I want to go when I am done with my degree, and I think I have finally realized that the answer is “somewhere close to home.”


My trip home rejuvenated me, and it came at a point when I needed it.  It’s always nice to know that I can always go home.


  1. Cory, I am so happy for you. You sound like you are completely satisfied. I hope you continue to find that peace and happiness in your life!! You are a wonderful person! Renae

  2. Cory, I am excited to read more updates in the future. Again, it was good seeing you at the park the other day. I was telling my wife that I thought it was you and about our intersections in life after you passed us on the South side of the park. I was glad to see you come around again so we could chat and even more blessed now that I can read a little more about your life. Looking forward to reading more of your story.
